Tooth-Colored Fillings – East Longmeadow, MA
A Beautiful Way to Repair Your Smile
Do you have silver or metal fillings in your smile? In the past, these have been the standard for treating cavities. However, we offer a different treatment to give our patients a healthy smile that also looks beautiful. This is done with tooth-colored fillings—an option for treating tooth decay that doesn’t require putting noticeable amalgam in your teeth. Keep reading to learn more about this amazing solution!
What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Tooth colored fillings are made of a special blend of strong resin and silica. This restoration is used when patients have cavities or tooth decay, filling the damaged area to strengthen and protect it for the future. The composite resin material is designed to match the shade of your natural smile, which means that no one will be able to tell that you have had cavities in the past except for you!
The Tooth-Colored Fillings Procedure

After we have detected an area of decay, we will schedule your quick and easy appointment for tooth-colored fillings. First, we will prepare the area of the tooth to accommodate the composite resin. Then, we will place it in the affected area, using a special heating lamp to permanently bond it to your smile. We will adjust the height of your tooth-colored fillings before polishing them to reflect light just like the rest of your teeth. We will always ensure that you’re numb and comfortable before beginning, making the entire procedure painless.
Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

We offer tooth-colored fillings over traditional amalgam restorations because of these important advantages:
- Appearance: As we have already covered, tooth-colored fillings allow you to enjoy a healthy smile without putting noticeable silver in your mouth.
- Comfort: Because of the amalgam material, metal fillings expand and contract with changes in temperature, causing sensitivity and discomfort. However, tooth-colored fillings eliminate this problem by using a composite resin.
- Durability: Tooth-colored fillings are built to last for many years as long as you practice a good oral healthcare routine and visit our office for regular checkups.
- Convenience: Enjoy a beautiful restoration for your smile in just one simple and efficient dental visit.
Are You a Candidate for Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Whether you have old, metal fillings that need replacing, or you may have new cavities that have formed, we are ready to help! The best way to know if tooth-colored fillings are right for you is to visit our office for a consultation. One of our experts will carefully examine your smile before recommending a personalized treatment plan. Typically, we will take X-Rays to get a better look at the affected area. From there, we’ll schedule your appointment and restore your smile to its full health in no time.
If you have any questions, or if you want to make an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact our office today!