Dental Expectations for Dental Crowns: How Long Can They Last?

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 6:28 pm
Patient using a mirror to admire his fantastic new dental crown

In general, people like to know what they’re getting into before they receive medical treatment – dental or otherwise. One of the things you might be wondering about your dental crown is how long this restoration will last. It’s a good question to ask, for sure!

Dental crowns are designed with longevity in mind, so you can reasonably expect them to last for ten years or more. However, there is room for some variance. Keep reading to learn what could affect your dental crown’s lifespan.

Brushing and Flossing Help You Go the Distance

A major factor in how long your dental crown will last is your oral hygiene. Dentists recommend brushing twice daily, flossing once per day, and visiting for a checkup and cleaning every six months for a reason! It’s the best way to protect both natural teeth and prosthetics against tooth decay, gum disease, and everyday wear and tear. Neglect these dental essentials and your crown won’t stand the test of time very well.

Micro-Chipping: Hard Snacks Lead to Breakage

A different kind of “micro-chipping” can occur when you habitually snack on crunchy munchies like ice and hard candies. When you power through these tough surfaces, a tiny bit of your teeth can break along with the target of your cravings.

Not only is this especially problematic for prosthetics like dental crowns, but severe instances of crunching can result in deep cracks and chips. Best to limit what and how much you chomp so you don’t shatter a crown or tooth!

Quality Specialists Create Quality Restorations

Many dentists know how to create and place dental crowns. Oftentimes it’s part of their training. However, there is such a thing as a “specialist” for crowns. Prosthodontists double-down on prosthetic dentistry – not only do they complete the required four years of schooling in dentistry, but they also go through an additional three years of training in prosthodontics.

Basically, prosthodontists are extra qualified to provide prosthetic restorations like dentures, dental implants, and dental crowns. Visiting one of these specialists for your treatment will give your crown that extra mile when it comes to longevity.

Wrapping-Up Your Temporal Calculations

Overall, estimating ten years for your dental crown is a reasonable expectation. If you take good care of your oral health and visit a specialist, it could very well last for ten years or more. The flip side of that, of course, is that if you neglect your oral health, your crown probably won’t endure ten years’ worth of wear and tear. Keep this in mind when you schedule your consultation and ask your dentist for dental hygiene tips so you can get the most out of your restoration!

About the Practice

At EMA Dental, we have not one, not two, but three prosthodontists on board! We’re proud that our highly experienced and qualified specialists can provide patients with both peace of mind and fantastic dental prosthetics that can last a lifetime. To get in touch with one of our amazing prosthodontists, contact our office at 413-584-4900.

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