Everyone in Massachusetts, whether a Bruins fan or not, has seen a hockey player appear to have a full set of teeth in an interview. But then when watching a game on TV, the shot of the same player on the bench shows he’s missing a couple front teeth. And he didn’t just lose them with the last deflected slapshot from Chara.
Removable Replacements
July 30, 2016
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Making Metal Mouths a Thing of the Past — Invisalign
July 15, 2016
For most teenagers two words strike abject terror into their hearts: acne and braces! It’s not like wearing braces is a rarity — over two thirds of U.S. teens have some sort of orthodontic treatment — but that doesn’t make it any easier. In fact, few things other than extreme acne can be as embarrassing and uncomfortable as having traditional metal braces put on their teeth.
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